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FRP Collection was founded in 2021 by Francesca Romana Palermo. Francesca was born into a family where creativity and imagination were the order of the day; her grandmother Maria, an expert in knitting and crocheting, created a new outfit every day and passed on all her knowledge of handicrafts to her daughter and granddaughter. Francesca has always put this art aside, gaining experience in school and work other than the craft taught by her grandmother. After gaining experience in leatherwork and working for luxury brands, Francesca decided to approach the art of crochet, encouraged by her mother's help and experience.

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"Each item is made by the skilful hands of Italian master craftsmen, from the weaving of the raffia to the cutting and stitching of the leather. Each item of FRP Collection is the fruit of love and passion for craftsmanship".

In 2020, an idea was born that would unwittingly give birth to FRP Collection. The idea was to create a bag exclusively through the ancient art of crochet that would reflect a timeless, unique and inimitable style. The first models were born by chance, trying to cut and crochet pieces of leather. The result seemed satisfactory, but needed further study and manipulation. So we sought out the best leather craftsmen in the heart of Tuscia and developed the first real prototypes with them.

"The ancient art of crochet is combined with the craftsmanship of the leatherworker to create timeless creations. Each piece is unique and inimitable, with attention to the smallest detail. An uncompromising quality that seeks to evolve with time".

After a year of work and planning, sales were opened to the market, unaware of the response they would receive. The uniqueness of the product immediately caught the attention of customers, who were fascinated by the attention to detail. Today, the brand is known and appreciated internationally.